Monday, May 16, 2011

Old Bailey


St. Paul Cathedral
Well this weekend was full of excitement!!! Shaylee, Bodell, Shawn, and myself went to the one and only Dublin Ireland. Ireland had so more foliage and the scent of cologne in the air--thus creating a very lush experience ;). Here are some pictures from our amazing trip!!

Raining  in one of the parks

Seafood Soup
Inside the Cathedral

Anyways on to the educational part of the trip, today we visited the Ends of Court and Old Bailey. The Ends of Court are where 'Barristers' (lawyers) go to train. There is eight places in the UK , three of them being in London, for Barristers to train. While our system is based on common law there is some differences between our training of lawyers and their barristers. Not only do you have to score high on the test to get a law degree, but you have to eat twelve formal dinners. This seemed odd to me. Original reasons behind the twelve formal dinners is so that people would attend lectures. Now the reasoning behind that is based on tradition. Barrister also wear wigs, the wigs can are 500 Euros. Ruffly that is almost a thousand US dollars.  Then we had the privilege to visit old Bailey. Old Bailey is a court house in London. I will not post picture of the site because it is a two year jail penalty to take picture of the court house--hence I did NOT take pictures. The court house was originally a jail and a court house. People as young as nine were hung at Old Bailey. The most odd thing about the courts was they don't hand cuff the prisoners. The court house is under the jurisdiction of the London police. The court was designed to impress it was marble and lavishly painted ceilings. The person who gave us the tour is a London Police officer gave us a rich historical lecture on Old Bailey. The thing that stuck with me the most was I got to touch the old Roman Walls..............Well that sums up our tour!!



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